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Our local club holds different meetings throughout the month, including business meetings, social meetings, and committee meetings.  Regional and national meeting are organized throughout the term as well.

Sundial Film Festival 2017
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Business meetings are held on a monthly basis to conduct Club business.  The meetings are facilitated by the Club President and follow an agenda based on Robert's Rules of Order.  If you are new to the group, you can expect a friendly, fun, and professional atmosphere.  Meetings are expected to take about an hour, with food and drinks available for purchase.

Date:  First Wednesday of every month

Time:  6:00 p.m.

Location:  Cattlemens Restaurant (banquet room) - 2184 Hilltop Drive, Redding

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Social meetings are also held on a monthly basis (with the exception of December) and allow our members and prospective members a chance to socialize and relax.  Key announcements may be made at social meetings, but no business is conducted.  Unlike business meetings which are always held at the same location, social meetings are different every month.  The goal of our Club is to patronize as many local businesses as we can and we always like to try someplace new.  Social meeting locations are determined by the Social Chair.

Date:  Third Wednesday of every month

Time:  6:00 p.m.

Location:  To be determined each month - follow our Facebook page to keep up to date on social meeting announcements!

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Region meetings are held twice per year in a location chosen by the Region Director.  


The Annual General Meeting is held once per year on the Saturday of the National Convention.


As our events approach, committees are formed and the committee chairperson will decide upon a meeting schedule that fits the committee members' schedules.  These committee level meetings allow deeper discussion about the events without unnecessarily involving the entire membership.

Standing committees, such as public relations, are also likely to hold meetings throughout the term as well.

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